Before School Care (BSC)

6:30AM – 8:45AM


Breakfast in the mornings is supplied by the service between 6.30am and 8.15am and consists of a variety of cereals and toast and fruit.


Children are signed in each morning on arrival.
BSC activities consist of children participating in craft, reading, physical activities or playing board games. Programming is developed based on students interests and suggestions.

BSC is offered in the following areas:


F Block: Preps

Hall: Years 1 – 2 (Juniors)

K-Block: Years 3 – 4 (Middles)

Modular 9 at oval: Years 5 – 6 (Seniors)


Transitioning to school

Children in Year 2 and up are allowed to leave ISOHC spaces and go to their classrooms at 8.45am.

Year 1 children will be escorted to class during term 1 only, from term 2 they will leave at 8:45am to go to class independently.

Prep children are escorted to their classrooms throughout the year by IOSHC staff.

After School Care (ASC)

3:00PM – 6:00PM

Afternoon Tea

A staff member signs in children immediately after school. A variety of sandwiches and fruits are served at 3.15pm along with a treat for the children that ranges from home variety of cakes, biscuits, crackers, cheese and a selection of fruit, vegetable and dips. All are in line with nutritional guidelines.


ASC activities consist of children participating in structured activities including cooking, craft, sport and music which are organised daily. Unstructured play is also available to all children including activities such as board games, ball games, reading, lego and spontaneous craft ideas are also catered for where possible. All planning and programming is developed around the children’s’ interests and suggestions. 

ASC is provided in the following spaces:

F Block: Preps

Hall: Years 1 – 2 (Juniors)

          K-Block: Year 3 

Modular 8 & 9 at oval: Year 4 – 6 (Middles)

F-Block: Year 6 (Seniors)

Transitioning from school

Prep children will be collected from their classrooms by a staff member and escorted to the IOSHC premises for the entire year.

Year 1 children will be collected from their classrooms by a staff member and escorted to the IOSHC premises for the first term of the year only.

All other children will walk direct to ASC once their class finishes.

Vacation Care (VC)

6:30AM – 6:00PM


Breakfast is supplied by the service between 6.30am and 8.15am. In addition to breakfast the service also offers morning tea (9:30am – 9:45am) and afternoon tea. We do not provide lunch. For children who do not have lunch, our Services will provide them with lunch which incurs a $10 fee. All meals are planned and prepared in accordance with the National Health Standards. A range of gluten free, lactose free and vegetarian meals are available.


Children are signed in each morning on arrival.

Vacation care days are based around particular themes suggested by the children and planned around their hobbies and interests. Programming is tailored to incorporate a range of arts and crafts, games and activities, sports, cooking, manipulative and dramatic play, free play and short and long term projects.

Throughout Vacation Care we have a range of incursions available.

Please refer to the Vacation Care Enrolment tab on the top for the upcoming days and themes.

Cancellation of Vacation Care:

Costs for Vacation Care vary depending on the planned activities of the centre, as outlined in the Vacation Care program.

Cancellations of bookings can be made up to 10 business days before the first day of Vacation Care starts. The last day cancellations can be made for each Vacation Care period will be specified on the respective Authority and Booking Form for each Vacation Care Period. Cancellations made before the specified cut off date will not incur a cancellation fee. If cancellations are made after this time (or not at all), full session fees will apply (in accordance with CCS rebates).

A late collection fee of $20 per 15 minutes intervals/or part thereof will apply for collections which occur after 6:00pm. As per the Fees Policy, full payment of outstanding fees are required weekly. Accounts which are more than 30 days overdue will incur an Administration fee of $30.00 per month until payment is made. Overdue fees may result in future bookings being cancelled. To avoid late fees please contact the service to arrange payment, or to discuss a payment plan as soon as possible.

No medical certificate will be required as full fees will be charged on all absent days and cancellations.

See Fees and Charges for further information

Additional Information

During Vacation Care we ask that children wear comfortable clothing which enables them to participate in activities. Clothing may get dirty during sport or craft activities so if you have a child who may possibly need more than one change throughout the day, please pack a change of clothes. Children wear enclosed shoes at all times. Hats will be worn for outdoor play by staff and children – No Hat No Play. Appropriate clothing should be worn on excursions at all times. Please refer to the Important Information for Parents Handbook below which outlines additional information for each day.